MAMA. [New York]: Zebra Books Kensington Publishing Corp., [1983]. Small octavo, pictorial wrappers. First edition. Zebra Horror 0-8217-1247-0. "A constant presence in Zebra's catalogue, Jensen was born in Missouri and started writing for Warner in 1974 with THE HOUSE THAT SAMUEL BUILT. After four Gothic romances for them, she jumped to Manor Books and turned out three occult novels in 1978. Her horror novels, HEAR THE CHILDREN CRY (1981) and SUCH A GOOD BABY (1982), were published by Leisure and Tor, respectively, and in 1983 she settled down with Zebra Books for a 20-book run that started with MAMA. A fairly perfunctory writer specializing in evil children, she was rewarded with Zebra's first all-hologram cover (HOUSE OF ILLUSIONS, 1988)." - Grady Hendrix, Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction, p. 228. A fine copy. (#164496).
Price: $100.00
No statement of printing.