FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON; OR, JOURNEYS AND DISCOVERIES IN AFRICA BY THREE ENGLISHMEN. Compiled in French by Jules Verne, from the Original Notes of Dr. Ferguson; and Done into English by "William Lackland." Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1873. 12mo, pp. [1-2] [1-3] 4-8 [8a-8b] [9] 10-345 [346-348: blank], 48 illustrations by Riou reproduced by Heliotype on twelve inserted plates, each with tissue guard, publisher's pictorial salmon cloth, front and spine panels stamped in gold and black, rear panel stamped in blind, brown coated endpapers. Second U.S. edition, first printing. Verne's first book, first published in Paris by Hetzel in 1863 as CINQ SEMAINES EN BALLOON: VOYAGES DE DECOUVERTES EN AFRIQUE. "... the first of Verne's voyages extraordinaires, this tale established the conventions which he employed throughout his fiction." - Clareson, Science Fiction in America, 1870s-1930s 764. Osgood's edition, first published in 1873, was preceded by Appleton's 1869 edition. In contrast to Appleton's more modest edition with six inserted plates, the Osgood edition featured an elaborately stamped pictorial binding and 48 stunning illustrations by Riou reproduced by the Heliotype process on twelve inserted plates. Anatomy of Wonder (1976) 2-148 and (1981) 1-160. Bleiler (1948), p. 24. Reginald 14618. Myers 20. Taves and Michaluk V001. Spine panel just a bit sunned, piece torn out of the upper right eighth of the front flyleaf, probably removing an early owner's name, else a very good or better copy with fine interior. The most fully illustrated early American edition of this seminal novel and perhaps the most beautiful of the English-language editions of Verne's books. All three printings (the second and third dated 1874 and 1875 respectively) of this edition are uncommon, especially in nice condition. (#173607).
Price: $1,500.00
No statement of printing on copyright page.